6 Quotes & Sayings By Rory Freedman

Rory Freedman is an author of international renown. His books have been translated into many languages and have attracted a worldwide readership. The serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist and medical researcher has spent his professional career creating products that have transformed the lives of tens of millions of people. He currently serves as Executive Chairman of the board for Skinny Tanlines, a leading international tanning salon chain with over 100 locations worldwide Read more

He is also Chairman of the Board for The Skinny Tanlines Foundation, which funds charitable initiatives dedicated to research and support for those affected by chronic skin conditions. In 2005 he established the Freedom from Distress Foundation, a foundation that offers digital technology to those in need of financial or emotional support.

Now that you're a Skinny Bitch, don't turn into a skinny bitch. We conceived of the title, Skinny Bitch, to get attention and sell books.... But we are not bitches, and we have no desire to promote bitchiness. There is nothing uglier than a pretty woman who's nasty. If you look great, you should feel good about yourself and be happy. Rory Freedman
All kidding aside, if everyone did yoga, we would have world peace. Rory Freedman
We are spiritual beings walking around in these crazy skin suits. Our insides are much more important than our outsides. Rory Freedman
Laboratory scientists use formaldehyde as a disinfectant or preservative. They don't fucking drink it. Rory Freedman
There's no reason that we need to be counting things and adding things up in order to sit down and eat a meal. I enjoy eating so much; I don't want to do match every time I eat. I guarantee you, maybe your diet soda has no calories, but it's still poison. We have to think about what are we putting in our mouths. Rory Freedman